Pablo Astorga Junquera

Pablo Astorga
Investigador sènior

Investigador sènior


An economist with considerable academic and market-oriented experience in the analysis of developing countries. He was senior economist for Oxford Economics from 2001 to 2009, having under his responsibility the assessment and forecast of the Latin American economies and the management of various consultancy projects. Prior to that he was a research fellow at St Antony's College, Oxford. His research has focused on the study of economic development in Latin America over the long run, including income inequality, economic growth and productivity. The outcome of this research has been published in Journal of Development Economics and The Economic History Review among others.

Formació acadèmica

  • (1996) D.Phil in Economics, University of Oxford
  • (1991) M.Sc. in Development Economics, University of Oxford
  • (1987) MBA, IESA, Venezuela
  • (1984) B.Sc. in Systems Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela


Línies d'investigació

  • Desenvolupament econòmic
  • Història Econòmica
  • Amèrica Llatina

Clústers de recerca de l'IBEI

Publicacions més destacades

  • Astorga Junquera, Pablo.2024.Revealing the Diversity and Complexity of Income Inequality in Latin America: 1920-2011.Journal of Economic History,84EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2024.Income shares south of the Rio Bravo, 1920-2011.Revista de Historia Económica de América Latina,1(1):9-41EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo; Herranz-Loncán, Alfonso

    2021.Latin America: Stalled Catching Up.In:

    S. Broadberry and K. Fukao (Eds.)

    The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World.Cambridge University Press,pp: 251-275.EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2017.Real wages and skill premiums in Latin America, 1900-2011.Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History,35(3)EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2017.Functional inequality in Latin America: news from the twentieth century.In:

    Bértola L, Williamson JG (eds.)

    Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction? Looking over the Long Run.Springer Publishing.EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo; Arroyo Abad, Leticia

    2016.Latin American earnings inequality in the long run.Cliometrica,11(3)EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2012.Mean reversion in long-horizon real exchange rates: evidence from latin america.Journal of International Money and Finance,31 (6):1529-1550EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo; Bergés, Ame; FitzGerald, Valpy

    2011.Productivity growth in Latin America during the twentieth century.Review of Income and Wealth,57 (2):203-223EnllaçLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2010.A century of economic growth in Latin America.Journal of Development Economics,92:232-243Enllaç
  • Astorga, Pablo; Bergés, Ame; FitzGerald, Valpy

    2005.The standard of living in Latin America during the twentieth century.The Economic History Review,58 (4):765-796EnllaçLogo open access
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