Álvaro Artigas Pereira

Álvaro Artigas_foto
Centre d'Études Européennes, Sciences-Po Paris (France)

Centre d'Études Européennes, Sciences-Po Paris (France)

Cátedra Telefónica visiting research fellow


Álvaro Artigas Pereira is an associate researcher at the CEE (Sciences-Po Paris). He completed a PhD in Comparative Politics and Political Economy, and an M.A. in Comparative Studies at Sciences-Po. He was a research fellow at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung in Berlin and at the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo and has carried joint research with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Universiti Malaya, the BRICS Policy Center of Rio de Janeiro, the PUC of Lima  and El Ateneo of Manila.

He has participated into several research programs: with the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées of Paris on the large infrastructural modernization in the Pacific Rim (Chile, Peru, Malaysia) and with the USPC-NUS consortium on Green Growth in South East Asian metropolis with a focus on MetroManila and Iskandar. He is presently co-steering the MEGOWAS (Metropolitan Governance of Water Systems) USPC-NUS project together with the Institute of Water Policy at the LKY University in Singapour. He is a member of the strategic committee of the Chair Villes et numérique at Sciences Po. His research addresses the complexity of major infrastructural and developmental programs and their specific sectoral and territorial outcomes in large urban entities.


Selected publications

  • Artigas Pereira, Álvaro.2017.Surveillance, Smart technologies and the development of Safe City solutions: the case of Chinese ICT firms and their international expansion to emerging markets.IBEI Working Papers,2017/52.Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals.