Lesley-Ann Daniels

Lesley Ann Daniels
Profesora ayudante Jefa de estudios

Profesora ayudante

Jefa de estudios


Lesley-Ann Daniels is currently a research fellow at IBEI. She is a former AXA Research Fund post-doctoral fellow with her research on "Minority rights and the stability of post-conflict environments". She defended her doctoral thesis on the use of amnesty during civil wars at the Pompeu Fabra University in 2016. Prior to her doctorate, she worked for the EU Peace and Reconciliation Programme in Northern Ireland. Her research interests are political violence, civil wars, post-conflict peacebuilding, transitional justice and identity rights.

Formación académica

  • (2016) PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • (2011) Masters in Research Methods, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • (1998) Masters in European Integration, Queen's University Belfast
  • (1988) BA (Hons) in Social and Political Science, Queens' College, University of Cambridge



Líneas de investigación

  • Guerras Civiles
  • Conflicto Político
  • Consolidación de la paz después de los conflictos
  • Derechos de las minorías
  • Estudios de identidad

Proyectos de investigación

Publicaciones más destacadas

  • Daniels, Lesley Ann; Zalunardo, Virginia

    2024.The impact of thin and thick truth: The limits of truth commission design in polarized societies.Journal of Human Rights,213-230EnlaceLogo open access
  • Balcells, Laia; Daniels, Lesley-Ann; Kuo, Alexander

    2023.The “Weight” of Territorial Issues: Evidence from Catalonia, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.Comparative Politics,Enlace
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann; Kuo, Alexander

    2021.Brexit and Territorial Preferences: Evidence from Scotland and Northern Ireland.Publius: The Journal of Federalism,1-26EnlaceLogo open access
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann.2021.Stick Then Carrot: When Do Governments Give Amnesty during Civil War?.International Studies Quarterly,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Daniels, Lesley-AnnVlaskamp, Martijn (coordinators)

    2021.Violencia política.Tecnos.Enlace
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann.2020.How and When Amnesty during Conflict Affects Conflict Termination.Journal of Conflict Resolution,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann.2018.The International Criminal Court and the Rebels’ Commitment Problem.Civil Wars,20 (4):455-476EnlaceLogo open access
  • Balcells, Laia; Daniels, Lesley AnnEscribà-Folch, Abel

    2016.The determinants of low-intensity intergroup violence: The case of Northern Ireland.Journal of Peace Research,53 (1):33-48EnlaceLogo open access
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann.2016.Tras el velo del antiterrorismo.Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals,112:255-257EnlaceLogo open access
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann.2011.Segregation and the Onset of Civil War.International Catalan Institute for Peace Working Papers,2011/7EnlaceLogo open access
Todas las publicaciones