EU Research and Education Network on Europe in the World (EU-RENEW)

Del 1 de gener de 2023 fins al 31 de desembre de 2025
Programa de finançament: Erasmus+ Programme. Jean Monnet Networks

Número de subvenció: 101085734

The EU-RENEW Network (EU Research and Education Network on Europe in the World) brings together 19 outstanding higher education institutions from Europe (9), Asia (3), Africa (4), and The Americas (3) with the goal of improving knowledge and enhancing debate on ‘Europe in the World’ through the collection, review, debate and dissemination of insightful and innovative research and educational material. It will establish a flexible system for the collection of relevant material that empowers its partners to expand on their own expertise, research networks, and academic projects in order to contribute valuable content. With its diverse membership, EURENEW will benefit from (a) a multiregional approach for data collection and peer review that takes into account local dynamics and practices in Europe and beyond; (b) a truly interdisciplinary group of scholars that specialises in complementary key thematic areas of European external affairs including trade and sustainable development, security and defence, human rights, democracy and the Rule of Law, climate change and energy, culture and education, and migration; and (c) attention to global-local interaction at the regional level, external perceptions of Europe and the European Union, and diffusion of European practices. EU-RENEW will ensure maximum and broad dissemination of the academic products collected, shared, and discussed via a structure of work packages linked to specific output. Its work plan offers a website with a regularly updated blog, dedicated webinar and podcast series, transversal training and dissemination of educational practices, a textbook and related interactive material, combined with a massive open online course (MOOC) on Europe in the World, and an electronic newsletter with cutting edge research and didactic products. As such, EU-RENEW’s work will enhance European-wide debates on the role and place of Europe in a fast-changing global order.

Clústers de recerca relacionats amb el projecte

Membres de l'equip

Esther Barbé
Esther Barbé
Investigadora associada sènior, IBEI Catedràtica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Oriol Costa
Oriol Costa Fernández
Investigador associat sènior, IBEI Professor agregat, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués
Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués
Professora agregada Jean Monnet Chair
Robert Kissack
Robert Kissack
Professor agregat - ON LEAVE
Adam Holesch_foto
Adam Holesch
Persona de contacte
Investigador Project manager, projecte EU-VALUES

Institucions participants

Institucions finançadores

  • European Commission

Jacint Jordana
President, IBEI Catedràtic, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Co-funded European Union