What role for Europe in the Indo-Pacific? Identifying regional policy responses towards the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022-25 (EUIP)

Del 3 de gener de 2023 fins al 31 de desembre de 2025
Programa de finançament: Erasmus+ Programme. Jean Monnet Networks

Grant number: 101085570

The Indo-Pacific is critical to the EU’s goal of securing “a stronger Europe in the world”. In 2021, the EU released its Indo-Pacific strategy– an ambitious and wide ranging strategy with an overarching aim of “maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific for all while building strong and lasting partnerships.” However, the EU’s decision to attempt to solidify and consolidate its Indo-Pacific presence is occurring at a time of significant regional unrest and uncertainty caused by an ongoing deterioration in Sino-American relations. As demonstrated by the UK’s foray into geopolitics via its membership in the AUKUS trilateral security pact and release of its own Indo-Pacific strategy, the EU’s Indo-Pacific role faces complexities. While the EU has the potential to play a significant and independent role in the region, it is imperative that this envisioned role is also shared by the various countries that reside there – otherwise the EU runs the risk of losing relevance and effectivness. This Network – encompassing EU and Indo-Pacific partners – will assess the critical question of “what is the most effective role for the EU in the Indo-Pacific?” The EU’s effectiveness in the region will rely on accurate contemporary knowledge of the states of the Indo-Pacific. This Network will create a unique grouping of EU and Indo-Pacific expertise (involving a mixture of academics, think-tankers, and foreign policy officials from both the EU and third countries) to conduct interviews, engage in Delphi style policy debates, and “policy sandpits” in eight Indo-Pacific countries: Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. Early career researchers (especially post-docs and PhD students) from all the participating universities will be heavily involved in the project as well. The Network will provide high-level foreign policy analysis, forecasting, and outputs that will be of significant use for practitioners in the European External Actions.

Clústers de recerca relacionats amb el projecte

Institucions participants

  • University of Canterbury

  • The Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington

  • The Australian National University

  • Waseda University

  • Tsinghua University

  • Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

  • Zhejiang University

  • University of Kent

  • Uniwersytet Jagiellonski

  • Universiteit Leiden

  • Universitat fur Weiterbildung Krems

  • Chualongkorn University

  • Universidad de Castilla la Mancha

  • University of Limerick

  • Korea University

  • University College Dublin

  • Tallinna Tehnikaulikool

  • Jawaharlal Nehru University

  • National Taiwan University

  • Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

  • Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals

  • Gadjah Mada University

  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

  • Fudan University

  • Universite Libre de Bruxelles

  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel

  • Universita ta Malta

  • Kanagawa University

Institucions finançadores

  • European Commission

Robert Kissack
Robert Kissack
Persona de contacte
Professor agregat - ON LEAVE
Co-funded European Union