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  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2018.Multilingualism and European Identification.Sociological Inquiry,88 (3):410-434Enlace
  • Díez Medrano, Juan; Braun, Michael; Behr, Dorothée

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  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2018.Beliefs and trade union support for trade liberalization in the US and the UK: the AFL-CIO and the TUC compared.Journal of International Relations and Development,21 (3):769-797Enlace
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann.2018.The International Criminal Court and the Rebels’ Commitment Problem.Civil Wars,20 (4):455-476EnlaceLogo open access
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  • Jordana, Jacint; Pérez-Durán, Ixchel; Triviño Salazar, Juan Carlos

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  • Mathieu, Emmanuelle; Verhoest, Koen; Matthys, Joery

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  • García Juanatey, Ana; Jordana, Jacint; Parrado, Salvador; Pascual, Laura; Salvador, Miquel; Sancho, David

    2017.Las agencias públicas en España: percepciones sobre autonomía y rendición de cuentas.Revista Española de Ciencia Política,43 (61)EnlaceLogo open access
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  • Libel, Tamir.2016.Explaining the security paradigm shift: strategic culture, epistemic communities, and Israel’s changing national security policy.Defence Studies,16(2):137-156Enlace
  • Libel, Tamir.2016.European Military Culture and Security Governance: Soldiers, Scholars and National Defence Universities..Routledge.Enlace
  • Barbé, Esther.2016.Contestación normativa y Consejo de Seguridad: la agenda mujeres, paz y seguridad o de la resolución 1325 a la resolución 2242.Revista Española de Derecho Internacional,68 (2):103-132Enlace
  • Pérez Durán, Ixchel

    2016.Health Care Inequality in Spain, the Health Delivery System and the Public Private Sector Mix.Global Social Welfare,3 (3):179-191Enlace
  • Barbé, Esther; Costa Fernández, Oriol; Kissack, Robert.2016.The EU policy responses to a shifting multilateral system.Houndmills Basingstoke Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan.Enlace
  • Bianculli, Andrea C..2016.Regulatory Governance Regimes and Interregionalism: Exploring the Dynamics of EU-Mercosur Negotiations.Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,41(2):173-198EnlaceLogo open access
  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2016.The Origins of the Common Market: Political Economy vs. Hagiography.Journal of Common Market Studies,54(2):233-248Enlace
  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2016.Decision-Making in the European Union - Or, the Meticulous Design of Power Dispersion.Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto,55/2016:119-143EnlaceLogo open access
  • Astorga Junquera, Pablo.2016.The haves and the have-nots in Latin America in the 20th century.Revista de Economía Mundial,43:47-67EnlaceLogo open access
  • Astorga, Pablo; Arroyo Abad, Leticia

    2016.Latin American earnings inequality in the long run.Cliometrica,11(3)EnlaceLogo open access
  • Vlaskamp, Martijn; Partzsch, Lena

    2016.Mandatory Due Diligence for 'Conflict Minerals’ and Illegally Logged Timber: Emergence and Cascade of a New Norm on Foreign Accountability.The Extractive Industries and Society,3(4):978-86EnlaceLogo open access
  • Vlaskamp, Martijn; Muro, Diego

    2016.How do prospects of EU membership influence support for secession? A survey experiment in Catalonia and Scotland.West European Politics,39 (6):1115-1138EnlaceLogo open access
  • Gallego Dobón, Aina.2016.Inequality and the erosion of trust among the poor: experimental evidence.Socio-Economic Review,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Gallego Dobón, Aina; Marx, Paul

    2016.Multi-dimensional preferences for labour market reforms: a conjoint experiment.Journal of European Public Policy,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Gallego Dobón, Aina; Muñoz, Jordi; Anduiza, Eva

    2016.Why do voters forgive corrupt mayors? Implicit exchange, credibility of information and clean alternatives.Local Government Studies,42(4):598-615EnlaceLogo open access
  • Pérez Durán, Ixchel

    2016.Assessing formal accountability for public policies: The case of health policy in Spain.International Review of Administrative Sciences,82(4):784-806Enlace
  • Bianculli, Andrea C..2016.Latin America.In:

    Tanja Börzel and Thomas Risse (Ed.)

    The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism.Oxford:Oxford University Press,pp: 152-177.Enlace
  • Bianculli, Andrea C.; Jordana, Jacint; Fernández-i-Marín, Xavier

    2016.Are regulatory agencies independent in practice? Evidence from board members in Spain.Regulation & Governance,10 (3):230-47EnlaceLogo open access
  • Font, Nuria; Pérez Durán, Ixchel

    2016.The European Parliament oversight of EU agencies through parliamentary questions.Journal of European Public Policy,23 (9):1349-1366Enlace
  • Apaydın, Fulya.2016.The Supranational Dimension of Voting in National Elections across Six European Democracies.European Political Science,15(1):73–88EnlaceLogo open access
  • Bianculli, Andrea C.; Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea (Ed.)

    2016.Regional Organizations and Social Policy in Europe and Latin America. A Space for Social Citizenship?.Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan, Series Development, Justice and Citizenship.Enlace
  • Barbé, Esther; Kienzle, Benjamin; Vlaskamp, Martijn


    Henry F. Carey (ed.)

    The Challenges of European Governance in the Age of Economic Stagnation, Immigration, and Refugees.Lanham:Lexington Books/ Rowman and Littlefield.Enlace
  • Bradley, Miriam

    2016.Protecting civilians in war: the ICRC, UNHCR, and their limitations in internal armed conflicts.Oxford:Oxford University Press.Enlace
  • Bradley, Miriam

    2016.UNHCR and accountability for IDP protection in Colombia.In:

    Kristina Bergtora Sandvik & Katja Lindskov Jacobsen (eds.)

    UNHCR and the struggle for accountability: technology, law and results-based management.Abingdon:Routledge.Enlace
  • Gallego Dobón, Aina; Buscha, Franz; Sturgis, Patrick; Oberski, Daniel

    2016.Places and Preferences: A Longitudinal Analysis of Self-Selection and Contextual Effects.British Journal of Political Science,46(3):529-550EnlaceLogo open access
  • Barbé, Esther; Herranz-Surralles, Anna; Natorski, Michal

    2015.Contending metaphors of the Europen Union as global actor: Norms and power in the European discourse on multilateralism.Journal of Language and Politics,vol. 14, num. 1:18-40Enlace
  • Estevadeordal, Antoni.2015.(ed.) New Frontiers in Asia-Latin America Integration.Sage Publications (IDB/ADB publication).
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Dumez, H

    2015.La dynamique des dispositifs d’action collective entre firmes : Le cas des méta-organisations dans le secteur pétrolier.L’Année Sociologique,65:333-356Enlace
  • Libel, Tamir

    Boulter, E

    2015.Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Israel Defense Forces: A Precursor to a Military Robotic Revolution?.The RUSI Journal,160(2):68-75Enlace
  • Libel, Tamir.2015.Looking for meaning: lessons from Mossad’s failed adaptation to the post-Cold War era, 1991–2013.Journal of Intelligence History,14(2):83-95Enlace
  • Libel, Tamir

    Gal, R

    2015.Between military–society and religion–military relations: different aspects of the growing religiosity in the Israeli defense forces.Defense & Security Analysis,31(3):213-227Enlace
  • Triviño Salazar, Juan; Climent-Ferrando, V

    2015.Immigrant associations and political participation: when language matters. The case of Catalonia.In:

    R. Medda and A. Carla (eds.)

    Migration in Autonomous Territories. The Case of South Tyrol and Catalonia.Leiden:Brill Publishers.
  • Mestres, Laia.2015.Bilateralism in the Spanish Presidencies of the Council of the European Union. Alliances for the Development of European Foreign Policy.International Journal of Iberian Studies,vol. 28, nº2-3:pp. 177-189, doi: 10.1386/ijis.28.2-3.177_1Enlace
  • Jordana, Jacint; Bianculli, Andrea C; Fernández Marín, Xavier (Eds)

    2015.Accountability and Regulatory Governance.Kensington:Palgrave.Enlace
  • Apaydın, Fulya.2015.Financialization and the Push for Non-State Social Service Provision: Philanthropic Activities of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Turkey.Forum for Development Studies,Enlace
  • Muro, Diego.2015.Muro, Diego. 2015. Ethnicity, nationalism and social movements. In Donatella Della Porta and Mario Diani (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements, London: Routledge..
  • Chaqués-Bonafont, Laura; Palau, Ana Maria; Baumgartner, Frank

    2015.Agenda dynamics in Spain.London:Palgrave.Enlace
  • Muro, Diego.2015.Muro, Diego. 2015. When do countries re-centralize? Ideology and party politics in the age of austerity. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 21 (1): 24-43. (also published in Richard Gillespie and Caroline Gray. 2015. Contesting Spain? The dynamics of nationalist movements in Catalonia and the Basque Country. London: Routledge..
  • Bianculli, Andrea C.; Fernández-i-Marín, XavierJordana, Jacint (Ed.)

    2015.Accountability and Regulatory Governance. Audiences, Controls and Responsibilities in the Politics of Regulation.Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan, Series Executive Politics and Governance.Enlace
  • Karagiannis, Yannis; Konstantinidis, Nikitas

    2015.On the Conditional Success of International Conditionality Policies (With Evidence from Greece and Spain During the Eurozone Crisis).Global Policy,6(3):212-221Enlace
  • Karagiannis, Yannis; Guidi, Mattia

    2015.Social Democratic Parties and Antitrust Policy: Evidence from Western Europe (2002-2013).European Political Science Review,8(4):495-515Enlace
  • Chaqués-Bonafont, Laura; Palau Ana Maria; Muñoz, Luz

    2015.Government-opposition dynamics in Spain under the pressure of economic collapse and the debt crisis.Journal of Legislative Studies,21 (1):75-95Enlace
  • Chaqués-Bonafont, Laura; Baumgartner, Frank

    2015.All news is bad news: newspaper coverage of political parties in Spain.Political Communication,32 (2):268-291Enlace
  • Kissack, Robert.2015.‘Man overboard!’ Was EU influence on the maritime labour convention lost at sea?.Journal of European Public Policy,22 (9):1295-1315Enlace
  • García Juanatey, Ana; Jordana, Jacint

    2015.Política nuclear, regulación y grupos de interés en España.In:

    Iván Medina, Luz Muñoz, Joaquín Mª Molins López-Rodó (Eds)

    Los grupos de interés en España. Organización, institucionalización y estrategias de influencia.Madrid:Tecnos.
  • Gallego Dobón, Aina.2015.Unequal Political Participation Worldwide.New York:Cambridge University Press.Enlace
  • Johansson-Nogués, Elisabeth.2015.The New EU-Arab League Dialogue: The Contours of a Cooperation.Mediterranean Politics,20 (2):295-302Enlace
  • Shaw, Martin.2015.What is Genocide? (Second edition).Cambridge:Polity.Enlace
  • Muro, Diego.2015.Muro, Diego. 2015. Healing though action? The political mobilisation of victims of Al Qaeda inspired violence in Spain and the UK. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 38 (6): 478-493..
  • Özkırımlı, Umut.2014.The Making of Turkey’s Protest Movement: #occupygezi.Edited volume, Basingstoke and New York:Palgrave Pivot.Enlace
  • Özkırımlı, Umut.2014.Multiculturalism, Recognition and the ‘Kurdish Question’ in Turkey: The Outline of a Normative Framework.Democratization,21 (6)Enlace
  • Barbé, Esther.2014.La Unión Europea en las Relaciones Internacionales.Madrid:Tecnos.Enlace
  • Klossek, Lara.2014.Liquid Democracy in mittelständischen Unternehmen. Umsetzung, Chancen und Risiken.Diversity Management. Vorteile statt Vorurteile.ed. Voker Oberkircher and Benjamin Edinger,pp: 73-81.
  • Costa Fernández, Oriol.2014.La Unión Europea en las negociaciones internacionales del clima.In:

    Barbé, Esther (ed.)

    La Unión Europea en las Relaciones Internacionales.Madrid:Tecnos,pp: 336-353.Enlace
  • Petrova, Margarita.2014.Proportionality and Restraint on the Use of Force: The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations.In: Matthew Evangelista and Henry Shue (eds).The American Way of Bombing: Changing Ethical and Legal Norms, from Flying Fortresses to Drones.Cornell University Press,pp: 175—190.
  • Mestres, Laia.2014.La europeización de las políticas exteriores nacionales.In:

    Barbé, Esther (ed.)

    La Unión Europea en las relaciones internacionales.Madrid:Tecnos,pp: 154-171.Enlace
  • Petrova, Margarita.2014.Small States in Humanitarian Norm Making.In: Louis W. Pauly and Bruce W. Jentleson (eds).Power in a Complex Global System.Routledge,pp: 194—208.
  • Mestres, Laia.2014.Las relaciones estratégicas entre España y sus socios europeos: el futuro de las cumbres bilaterales con Alemania, Francia, Italia y Polonia.Estrategia Exterior Española 9/14,Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, marzoEnlace
  • Mestres, Laia.2014.Does Spain Really Need a Foreign Policy Strategy? More than a Proposal from a Think Tank.Spanish Yearbook of International Law,nº 18:pp. 279-286Enlace
  • Bastia, Tanja; vom Hau, Matthias (equal co-authors)

    2014.Migration, Race, and Nationhood in Argentina.Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,40: 3:475-492Enlace
  • Spoor, Max; Visser, O; Mamonova, N

    2014.Is Russia the Emerging Breadbasket? Recultivation, Agroholdings and Agricultural Production.Europe-Asia Studies,66 (10):1589-1610
  • Spoor, Max; Tasciotti, L; Peleah, M

    2014.Quality of Life and Social Exclusion in Rural South, Central, and Eastern Europe.Post-Communist Economies,26 (2):201-219
  • Spoor, Max; Shi, X; Pu, C

    2014.Small Cotton Farmers, Livelihood Diversification and Policy Interventions in Southern Xinjiang.In: H. ZHANG.China's Rural Livelihoods in Transformation.London and New York:Routledge.
  • Muro, Diego; Vidal Lorda, Guillem.2014.MIND THE GAPS - The Political Consequences of the Great Recession in Europe.Notes internacionals CIDOB,núm. 90EnlaceLogo open access
  • Chaqués-Bonafont, Laura; Palau, Ana Maria; Muñoz, Luz

    2014.Policy promises and governmental activities in Spain.In:

    CH. Green-Pedersen; S. Walgrave (Eds)

    Agenda Setting, Policies and Political Systems: A Comparative approach.Chicago:Chicago University Press.Enlace
  • Vlaskamp, Martijn.2014.La Unión Europea frente a las autoridades privadas.In:

    Barbé, Esther (ed.)

    La Unión Europea en las Relaciones Internacionales.Madrid:Tecnos,pp: 415-433.Enlace
  • Kissack, Robert.2014.The EU and Human Rights Promotion.In: A. K. Aarstad, E. Drieskens, K. E. Jørgensen, K. V. Laatikainen & B. Tonra (eds.).The Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy.SAGE (2014),pp: 820-834.
  • Granados, Francisco J.; Knoke, David

    2014.Organizational Status Growth and Structure: An Alliance Network Analysis.Social Networks,35:62-74Enlace
  • Granados, Francisco J..2014.22@Barcelona and the Management of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent.Revista Econòmica de Catalunya,64:76-84Enlace
  • Özkırımlı, Umut.2013.Vigilance and Apprehension: Multiculturalism, Democracy and the ‘Kurdish Question’ in Turkey.Middle East Critique,22 (1)Enlace
  • Estevadeordal, Antoni.2013.Is the Washington Consensus Dead? Growth, Openness and the Great Liberalization, 1970s-200s.Review of Economics and Statistics,Vol. 95, No. 5
  • Libel, Tamir.2013.Hostage of foreign interests: German intelligence involvement in Arab-Israeli hostage deals, 1980–2010.Journal of Intelligence History,12(2):177-189Enlace
  • Libel, Tamir.2013.From the people's army to the Jewish people's army: the IDF's force structure between professionalization and militarization.Defense & Security Analysis,29(4):280-292Enlace
  • Kissack, Robert.2013.How to Lose Friends and Alienate People? The EU as a global social power.Journal of European Social Policy,Vol. 19(2):99-116Enlace
  • Costa Fernández, Oriol.2013.A force for and because of multilateralism. When is the EU a multilateralist actor in world society?.Journal of European Public Policy,20(8):1213-28Enlace
  • Triviño Salazar, Juan Carlos.2013.The promise of transformation through participation: an analysis of Communal Councils in Caracas, Venezuela.Working Paper 558. Erasmus University of Rotterdam’s International Institute of Social Studies,
  • vom Hau, Matthias

    2013.Nationalism and War Commemoration - A Latin American Exceptionalism?.Nations and Nationalism,19: 1:146-166
  • Spoor, Max; Jiang, P; Arsel, M

    2013.Local Climate Change and Water Distribution in Xinjiang.Local Climate Change and Society.London and New York:Routledge.
  • Spoor, Max.2013.Multidimensional Social Exclusion and the Rural Urban Divide in Eastern and Central Asia.Sociologia Ruralis,53 (2):139-157
  • Spoor, Max; Visser, O; Mamonova, N

    2013.Oligarchs, Megafarms and Land Reserves: Understanding Land Grabbing in Russia.In:

    B. White; Borras, S.M.; Hall, R. (Eds)

    The New Enclosures: Critical Perspectives on Corporate Land Deals.London and New York:Routledge.
  • Vlaskamp, Martijn.2013.Balancing fundamental rights protection and effective multilateralism: The EU and Zimbabwe’s Marange diamonds.European Foreign Affairs Review,18 (4):529-546.Enlace
  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2013.The Elysee Treaty and European Integration Theory.German Politics and Society,31(1):48-69Enlace
  • Jasiewicz, Joanna.2013.“Labor Mobility of the Chinese Graduates from British and Spanish Universities: What happens to the ‘Talent Migration’?” forthcoming in the IBEI Working Paper Series.
  • Kadercan, Burak.2013.Kadercan, Burak. (forthcoming) Making Sense of Survival. Review of International Studies, forthcoming..
  • Costa Fernández, Oriol; Jørgensen, Knud Erik (eds)

    2013.When multilateralism hits Brussels. Preliminary results on the influence of international institutions on the EU.In:

    K.E. Jørgensen and K.V. Laatikainen (eds)

    Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions. Performance, Policy, Power.London:Routledge,pp: 416-428.
  • Jasiewicz, Joanna.2013."Seizing on European Institutions? Ethnic Minority Actors' Strategies in the Polish Public Sphere". Forthcoming in "East European Politics and Societies".Enlace
  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2013.The Origins of European Competition Policy: Redistributive vs. Ideational Explanations.Journal of European Public Policy,20(5):777-794Enlace
  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2013.The Causes and Consequences of the Collegial Implementation of European Competition Law.European Journal Law,682-704Enlace
  • Kissack, Robert.2013.The EU’s Performance in the International Labour Organization.Journal of European Integration,33(6):651-665Enlace
  • Kissack, Robert.2013.The European Union and Multilateralism.In:

    K. E. Jørgensen & K. V. Laatikainen (eds.)

    Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions.London:Routledge,pp: 405-415.
  • Apaydın, Fulya.2013.Boundaries of Non-State Welfare Provision: Comparative Evidence from Turkey, Sudan and Germany.In:

    Justin Pierce and Raj Brown (eds.)

    Charities in the Non-Western World.London:Routledge.Enlace
  • Shaw, Martin.2013.Genocide and International Relations: Changing Patterns in the Transition of the Late Modern World.New York:Cambridge University Press.Enlace
  • Galán, Susana

    2012.“Today I have seen angels in shape of humans:” An Emotional History of the Egyptian Revolution through the Narratives of Female Personal Bloggers.Journal of International Women’s Studies,13(5)Enlace
  • Costa Fernández, Oriol; Jørgensen, Knud Erik

    2012.The Influence of International Institutions on the EU. When Multilateralism Hits Brussels.Houndmills Basingstoke Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Barbé, Esther (dir)

    2012.Cambio mundial y gobernanza global. La interacción entre la Unión Europea y las instituciones internacionales.Madrid:Tecnos, 215 pp.Enlace
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2012.Alternation and Cooperation in a Two-Party System. Implications for Resource-Based Developing Economies.IBEI Working Papers,2012/35EnlaceLogo open access
  • Holesch, Adam; Klaus-Jürgen, Nagel

    2012.Educational policy in Spain – a federal illusion?.UPF Working paper,2EnlaceLogo open access
  • Apaydın, Fulya.2012.Overseas Development Aid Across the Global South: Lessons from the Turkish Experience in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia.European Journal of Development Research,24:261-282Enlace
  • Muro, Diego.2012.Muro, Diego. 2012. The politics of war memory in radical basque nationalism. In Martin Bulmer and John Solomos (Eds). Nationalism and National Identities. London: Routledge..
  • Spoor, Max; Borras; S.M; Franco, J.C; Gomez, S; Kay, C;

    2012.Land Grabbing in Latin America and the Caribbean.Journal of Peasant Studies,39 (3-4):845-872
  • Spoor, Max; Robbins, M.J

    2012.Agriculture, Food Security, Inclusive Growth.The Hague:Society for International Development / International Institute of Social Studies.
  • Kadercan, Burak.2012.Kadercan, Burak. (2012)Book Review: Revolution and Constitutionalism in the Ottoman Empire and Iran.Comparative Political Studies 45 (10): 1310-1314..
  • Kadercan, Burak.2012.Kadercan, Burak. (2012) Military Competition and the Emergence of Nationalism: Putting the Logic of Political Survival into Historical Context.International Studies Review 14 (3): 401-428..Enlace
  • Jasiewicz, Joanna.2012.“Transnational Ties and Ethnic Activism: the case of Poland”.“International Sociology” 27 (3): 399-416, 2012.Enlace
  • Vlaskamp, Martijn.2012.La UE y el régimen internacional de diamantes: ¿Perdedora en el Proceso de Kimberley?.In:

    Barbé, Esther (ed.)

    Cambio mundial y gobernanza global. La interacción entre la Unión Europea y las instituciones internacionales.Madrid:Tecnos,pp: 199-215.Enlace
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2012.Mean reversion in long-horizon real exchange rates: evidence from latin america.Journal of International Money and Finance,31 (6):1529-1550EnlaceLogo open access
  • Barbé, Esther; Herranz-Surralles, Anna

    2012.The Challenge of Differentiation in Euro-Mediterranean Relations. Flexible Regional Cooperation or Fragmentation.London:Routledge.Enlace
  • Herranz Surrallés, Anna.2012.(2012) (with M. Natorski) “The European energy policy towards Eastern neighbors: rebalancing priorities or changing paradigms?”, in: Morata, F. and Solorio, I. (Eds) European Energy Policy: The environmental dimension, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar..
  • Herranz Surrallés, Anna.2012.(2012) “Justifying enlargement in a multi-level polity: A discursive institutionalist analysis of the elites-public gap over EU enlargement”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 50:3, pp. 385-402..
  • Apaydın, Fulya.2012.Partisan and Skill Formation Policies: New Evidence from Turkey and Argentina.World Development,40 (8):1522-1533Enlace
  • Apaydin, Fulya; Barnshaw, John; Dolan, Kathryn; Deubel, Tara; Greiner, Karen

    2012.Crisis in the Gulf of Mexico: Discourse, Policy, And Governance In Post-Catastrophe Environments.Journal of Applied Social Science,6 (2):133-148Enlace
  • Kissack, Robert.2011.The performance of the European Union in the international labour organization.Journal of European Integration,33:6:651-665EnlaceLogo open access
  • Jasiewicz, Joanna.2011.“Mapping the Activism of Ethnic Organizations in Poland”.“European Societies” 13 (5): 735-756, 2011.Enlace
  • Daniels, Lesley-Ann.2011.Segregation and the Onset of Civil War.International Catalan Institute for Peace Working Papers,2011/7EnlaceLogo open access
  • Cortina Trilla, Clara.2011.ESTEVE, A.; CORTINA, C. (2011) “Trayectorias conyugales de los inmigrantes internacionales en España”. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica (DAG), 57(3):467-491..
  • Cortina Trilla, Clara.2011.CASTRO- MARTÍN, T.; MARTÍN-GARCÍA, T.; CORTINA, C.; PARDO, I. (2011) “Maternidad sin matrimonio en América Latina: un análisis comparativo a partir de datos censales”. Notas de población, 93..
  • Muro, Diego.2011.Muro, Diego (Ed). 2011. Politics and Memory of the Transition: The Spanish Model. London: Routledge..
  • Karagiannis, Yannis; Heritier, Adrienne

    2011.The New Institutions of Transatlantic Aviation.Global Policy,2(2):152-162Enlace
  • Goktepe, Gokce.2011."Democratic Transitions and Implicit Power: An Econometric Approach" (co-authored with Shanker Satyanath, NYU) Revise and Resubmit, Public Choice, May 2011.
  • Herranz Surrallés, Anna.2011.The contested ‘parlamentarisation’ of EU Foreign and Security Policy: the Role of the European Parliament following the Treaty of Lisbon.PRIF Report, Frankfurt am Main: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt,1-36
  • Barbé, Esther.2010.Entre la irrelevancia internacional y el aprendizaje institucional: La presidencia española de la Unión Europea.Bellaterra:IUEE.EnlaceLogo open access
  • Özkırımlı, Umut.2010.Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece and Turkey (with Ayhan Aktar and Niyazi Kızılyürek).Edited volume, Basingstoke and New York:Palgrave Macmillan.Enlace
  • Barbé, Esther; Herranz-Surralles, Anna

    2010.Introduction: Convergence, Differentiation and Region Building in the Euro-Mediterranean Space.Meditarranean Politics,vol. 15, num. 2:129-147Enlace
  • Barbé, Esther (dir)

    2010.La Unión Europea más allá de sus fronteras. ¿Hacia la transformación del Mediterráneo y Europa Oriental?.Madrid:Tecnos, 196 pp.Enlace
  • Serra, Narcís.2010.The Military Transition. Democratic Reform of the Armed Forces.Cambridge University Press.
  • Libel, Tamir

    Hayward, J

    2010.Adding Brain to Brawn: The School of Advanced Air and Space Studies and Its Impact on Air Power Thinking.Air Power Review,13(2):69-80
  • Kissack, Robert.2010.When European Union Member State voting cohesion does not matter: Lessons learnt about majoritarian decision-making from the ILO.Studia Diplomatica,62(1):55-73
  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2010.Political Analyses of European Competition Policy.Journal of European Public Policy,17(4):599-611Enlace
  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2010.Collegiality and the Politics of European Competition Policy.European Union Politics,11(1):143-164Enlace
  • Astorga, Pablo

    2010.A century of economic growth in Latin America.Journal of Development Economics,92:232-243Enlace
  • Cortina Trilla, Clara.2010.CORTINA, C.; MARTÍN GARCÍA, T. (2010) Traducción, presentación de la edición española y apéndice de ¿Revolucion o declive demográfico? Una reflexión a partir del caso italiano. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS), Colección Monografías, 272..
  • Kissack, Robert.2010.Pursuing Effective Multilateralism: The European Union, International Organisations and the Politics of Decision Making.Basingstoke:Palgrave.Enlace
  • Herranz Surrallés, Anna.2010.(2010) (with E. Zapater) “A toda luz y a medio gas: Relaciones energéticas entre la Unión Europea y su entorno próximo”, in: E. Barbé (Ed.) La Unión Europea más allá de sus fronteras ¿Hacia la transformación del Mediterráneo y Europa oriental?, Madrid: Tecnos..
  • Herranz Surrallés, Anna.2010.(2010) (Ed. with E. Barbé) Special Issue: Region-building Dynamics in the Euro-Mediterranean Space, Mediterranean Politics, 15: 2,(a revised version is forthcomingas a book, byRoutledge)..
  • Vlaskamp, Martijn.2010.The Role of the European Union in the Processes to Ban Cluster Munitions.Working Paper Observatori de Política Exterior Europea, Bellaterra, IUEE,84EnlaceLogo open access
  • Kienzle, Benjamin; Vlaskamp, Martijn

    2010.Ni carne ni pescado: el perfil español en el ámbito de control de armas.In:

    Barbé, Esther (ed.)

    Entre la irrelevancia internacional y el aprendizaje institucional: La presidencia española de la Unión Europea.Bellaterra:IUEE,pp: 93-98.EnlaceLogo open access
  • Spoor, Max.2010.The 'Dragon' and the 'Elephant' and Global Imbalances.IBEI Working Papers,2010/29.Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals.
  • Díez Medrano, Juan.2010.Divergent Reactions to Globalization: Labor Unions and the NAFTA and the EU Enlargement Process.IBEI Working Papers,2010/30.Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals.
  • Petrova, Margarita.2010.Banning Obsolete Weapons or Reshaping Perceptions of Military Utility: Discursive Dynamics in Weapons Prohibitions.IBEI Working Papers,2010/31.Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals.
  • Karagiannis, Yannis; Heritier, Adrienne

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  • Barbé, Esther.2009.Multilateralism matters more than ever.Global Society,23 (2):191-203Enlace
  • Díez Medrano, Juan; Braun, Michael

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  • Karagiannis, Yannis.2009.Still in the Era of Area Studies? Political-Scientific Perspectives on European Competition Policy.IBEI Working Papers,2009/24.Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals.EnlaceLogo open access
  • Costa Fernández, Oriol.2008.Is Climate Change Changing the EU? The Second Image Reversed in Climate Politics.Cambridge Review of International Affairs,vol 21 (4):527-544
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